Saturday, September 4, 2010


Wow, I have not updated since April! Time is flying way too fast.

What does it mean when someone you have not thought of in a while suppenly pops into you thoughts? I always think it means they are in need of prayer, and God has prompted that thought.

This happened to me a few weeks ago. I was sitting at the computer lazily playing a game, when someone who had passed away a few years ago suddenly came to mind. We were not friends, but aquainted from church and school. Strange. Why think of this person? He must need prayer-- so I prayed for his soul and remembered what a nice person he was. A few days later, on Sunday, I was delayed in attending my usual Mass and went to a later Mass, and, wouldn't you know it? The Mass (at a time I never, ever go) was for the intention of this person. Coincidence? NO. It was the anniversary of his death, the date I didn't remember earlier in the week.

As I thought about how God works in these strange, confusing, and interesting ways, I thought about what the reason for all this was, and now, weeks later, why it won't leave my thoughts. We all need prayer, even after death, and it reminds me how I have become lax in praying for family and friends who have passed away. I am working on getting better at remembering them in my prayers. I hope you all remember your loved ones in prayer after they die.

It also reminds me that we can ask our departed loved ones to pray for us. If they are in heaven or even purgatory, they can pray for us. And souls in purgatory whom we have prayed for will be delighted to pray for us once they reach heaven.

There are many books out there on praying for the holy souls. I think I will look into some of them and find one to read.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ann :) I just wanted say hi, and I think your blog is wonderful and your aims for it are wonderful and God-inspired. Be encouraged, I really think that God uses you and your blog to reach people with His love and truth. Thanks for going to the effort to post, and keep it up! May God bless you abundantly-

    ~Jonathan Cariveau


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